Brisbane Kizomba Calendar

With more and more people dropping social media, we’re happy to help! Here’s the calendar of parties and classes in Brisbane so you can find your kizomba fix without having to search for events on Facebook. Come and share our passion for Angolan dance and culture!

Parties in red, classes in blue.


Get the kizomba calendars in your own devices

You can subscribe to the party calendar: using Google Calendar or other programs.

And for the classes calendar: using Google Calendar or other programs.

Missing events?

These are the events where we’re confident that you’ll find at least 50% real kizomba. Have an event you want to share? Send us the info!

… but unreliable events will be removed. We’ve had enough of those.

Looking for more dancing?

Our friend Potts Driscoll maintains another calendar that includes Salsa, Bachata, Urban Kiz and other styles, in Brisbane and around (Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Northern NSW…). You can find his calendar here.